How To Make Crunchy Slime: Step By Step
Have you heard of crunchy slime and are curious as to what exactly it contains? In addition to teaching you how to produce one form of crunchy slime with fishbowl beads, I’ll also show you how to make it with foam beads. Our crunchy slime recipes have been the subject of experimentation, and we now have a few variants to share with you. Making your own slime is a great way to explore with new concepts! Followings will tell you how to make crunchy slime.
Table of Contents
Some Tips And Tricks For Making Slime
We strongly recommend that adults measure and process all the chemicals used in making mucus, with close adult supervision as young children play with mucus.
Liquid starch is the ingredient that aggregates mucus into solids. It’s not a liquid laundry detergent. If you don’t have liquid starches where you are, like Sta-Flo, you might like this recipe made with borax, or you can try this fluffy and crunchy slime recipe.
The different glues and starches used in the mucus can affect the final result. We prefer Elmer Glue for the best results with this recipe.
To make your mucus less sticky, try adding a little liquid starch. If your mucus is too hard or too hard, add a little more glue.
The mucus that sticks to your hands is more likely to be elastic mucus.
Crunchy Slime
Ingredients Of Crunchy Slime
- Elmer’s clear glue, 1 cup
- 0.5 cups of water
- 0.5 to 1 cup of liquid starch
- Bouncy balls
- Measuring Cups/Spoons
- Mixing Bowls/Spoons
- Slime Storage Containers
Methods Of Crunchy Slime
- Pour the glue into a bowl. Add water and stir well.
- The next step is to add liquid starch. Starch brings the mucus together. If you add too much starch, your mucus will get too hard, so add the starch slowly. You may not need the full amount listed, or you may need a little more, a lot depends on the glue you use. Continue stirring until the mucus becomes sticky and the liquid disappears.
- Continue mixing and kneading with your hands. Kneading is important to make your mucus less sticky. If your mucus is too sticky, add a little more liquid starch. If it’s too hard or too hard, add a little more glue.
- Finally, fold the foam balls.
Saline Solution Slime
Ingredients Of Saline Solution Slime
• PVA Glue – ½ a Cup
• Saline Solution – 1 Tbsp
• Water – ½ Cup
• Baking Powder – ½ tsp
• Food coloring (optional)
• Storage Container
• Bowl
• Spoons
Method Of Saline Solution Slime
1. Combine the glue and water in a bowl, then stir in the food coloring (optional).
2. Add the baking soda and combine with the saline solution.
3. Use your hands to incorporate the mixture.
Slime Made Of Borax Powder
Ingredients Of Slime Made Of Borax Powder
• PVA Glue – ½ a Cup
• Borax Powder – ½Tbsp
• Food coloring (optional)
• Storage Container
• Bowl
• Spoons
Method Of Slime Made Of Borax Powder
1. Combine the glue, 1/2 cup of water, and food coloring in a bowl (optional).
2. Combine the borax powder and 12 cup of warm water in a separate basin. Add this to the glue mixture mentioned above.
3. Give the mixture a thorough stir before giving it a hand knead.
You must now add 1 cup of tiny foam beads to the mixture stage of these recipes to transform them into crunchy slime.
How To Store Slime?
Slime can last a while! I get a lot of questions about how I store slime. We use reusable plastic or glass containers. Make sure your slime is clean and it will last for a few weeks. I love the deli style containers I have listed on my recommended slime supply list.

If you want kids to bring home some slime from summer camp, parties, or classroom projects, I would recommend buying reusable containers from the dollar store or grocery store or even Amazon. For large groups, we used seasoning containers and labels as shown.
We have the best resources to browse before, during and after making your slime! Be sure to go back and read the slime science above!
Different Recipes
To make extra-thick, crunchy slime instead, follow the recipe below:
Use the above recipe for borax powder, but omit the water that was added after the glue was combined. Still, you must combine the borax powder and warm water.
Instead, you need to start the process by adding the foam beads to the glue right away. Slime that is especially rigid will be produced using this crunchy slime recipe.
It’s important to keep in mind that the more foam beads you add, the thicker the resulting slime will be.
Brittle Slime Science
We always love adding some homemade slime science here! Slime is an excellent chemistry demo and the kids love it too! Mixtures, substances, polymers, cross-linking, states of matter, elasticity and viscosity are just a few that can be explored with homemade slime scientific concepts!
What is mucoscience? Borate ions in mucus activators (sodium borate, borax powder, or boric acid) mix with polyvinyl alcohol (polyvinyl acetate) glue to form this cool elastic substance. This is called crosslinking!
This glue is a polymer made up of long, repeating identical threads or molecules. These molecules flow with each other, keeping the glue liquid. Until……
You add borate ions to the mixture, and it starts connecting these long chains together. They start to entangle and mix until the substance doesn’t get thicker and elastic like the liquid you start touching! Mucus is a polymer.
Imagine the difference between wet pasta the next day and leftover pasta. When mucus forms, the tangled molecular chains look a lot like a blob of pasta!
Crunchy slime is elevated to a new level with this perfumed rainbow floam. It smells wonderful, is colorful, and makes a pretty cool crunching sound.
This really simple fluffy floam slime recipe, which is based on our all-time favorite fluffy slime recipe, is certainly worth checking out if you’ve never tried making crunchy slime before.