How To Draw A Pinecone? An Easy Step-by-step Guide
How to draw a pinecone? There are two methods. You need to prapare a marker, paper, and colored pencils. The reproduction system of pine trees is the pine cone. How to draw a pine cone is demonstrated in this tutorial.
Table of Contents
Required Supplies
- marker
- paper
- colored pencils
- brown
- dark brown
- green
How Do You Draw A Pinecone Using Method 1?
Draw a twig at the outset. To create the twig, use long, curved lines of various lengths. Allow them to come together at sharp or gentle points.
Add a second twig to the first one. Draw two curved lines, allowing them to intersect at a sharp point. Next, sketch the pine needles that are emerging from the twig. Use two curved lines that intersect sharply to form one needle for each. You’ll notice that the needles near the twig’s base are bigger than those near its tip.
Along the longest twig, draw needles. Draw two curved lines, one for each needle, and let them meet at a point.
Make a new twig by drawing one coming out of the base of the old one. Use curved lines that converge in a point to represent the twig. Next, draw needles on the twig by drawing two curved lines, one for each needle, and allowing them to meet at a point.

How To Draw A Pinecone Using Method 2?
Create the shape of an upside-down, right-angled teardrop. To make it appear more like a big almond, round off the pointy end.
Draw the scales crossing over one another. Make them roughly trapezoidal, with smaller sections on either end and larger sections in the middle, similar to fish scales.
Draw a neat line around the sketch to indicate the shape of the pine cone. Clarify the shape of the scales.
On the scales, add oval and round shapes. Finish by adding a small stem with a few short vertical lines to represent the wood’s cracks on top of the cone.
Black ink should be used to outline the drawing. Create a modular line by attempting to transition from a thin to a thick line and vice versa. Your drawing will look better and more polished as a result.
The sketch was done in pen. Remove the pencil, then color it in. Pine cones on the ground typically come in various tones of brown, but if yours is in a tree, it might be green or even something completely different. It’s up to you. See more about How To Draw A Compass Rose?
How do you draw a pinecone?
About 120 different species of pine trees produce pinecones as their fruit, which contains seeds. Pines can be found all over the world, but they are most common in the chilly northern regions.
Because the trees never lose their leaves in the winter, they are evergreen. Some pinecones produce edible seeds known as pine nuts, pinyons, or pinyon nuts.
As a symbol of life or fertility in the past, pinecones have been depicted in art for a very long time.