How To Draw A Football? A Step-by-step Guide
People love to watch and participate in a wide variety of sporting events all over the world. Football is the one of these that is known to be the most popular. Additionally, millions of fans worldwide are enthralled by it.
Christiano Ronaldo might have caught your eye. Most people enjoy watching him play, whether they are young or old. It is a sport that anyone can enjoy, whether it is played in a stadium or in their backyard.
The game’s ball may appear to be fairly straightforward. But it may be a bit of a challenge learning how to draw a football.
For more specific information, keep reading.
Start With The Shapes Along The Ball’s Outer Edge
- For the first step on how to draw a football, we’ll begin by drawing a simple circular shape. It will serve as a general framework for this ball. You have two options for drawing it: freehand or with a drawing compass.
- Traditional balls typically come in a wide variety. We’ll start with the shapes on the outside edge of the ball to make things simpler because these have patches.
- These shapes will each have six sides. The inner edge of the outline will be surrounded by them. To position them, refer to the image.
- We’ll start by drawing the patches right away. Black patches are a “must,” despite the wide variety of options.’ the patches will offer a clear look and help show you the edges.
- These drawings can be developed in a variety of ways. However, concentrating on just one thing at once will boost confidence and would be a fun way to make this even more extraordinary!
- The fun part is about to begin. Use the colors of your choice to make it colorful. All the natural colors will be used, and they will be made to look exciting. You can keep going by starting with the red color. The patches will then be clearly available.
- Time to complete this drawing. You can finally correct any areas of your drawing that you feel need it. Make it complete by adding a touch where it is required!

Draw Parallel Lines That Meet At The Center And Are Split In Half
- Draw a circle.
- Draw parallel lines that meet at the center and are split in half.
- To create the initial blueprint for the ball’s shape, draw a modestly sized hexagon in the center of the circle.
- Connect additional, slightly compressed hexagons from the hexagon’s three opposite sides.
- Lines that intersect at the perpendicular lines should be drawn in the spaces to create three pentagons.
To complete the guides and create the ball shapes, connect the nine short joining lines.
Draw curved lines based on the guides to enhance the sphere’s realistic shapes.
Improve all previous guides.
By using a drop-shadow and various shades, color the ball.